CCTV & Security

CCTV & Security

CCTV & Security

Everyone wants to feel safe within their home right? But the sad reality of it is with Crime rates rising by the day this feeling is becoming harder and harder to achieve. One step you take take towards feeling safe is by installing CCTV in your home. This modern technology has been designed to prevent crime and give you that extra peace of mind. 

Here at Rococo Systems we use the latest technology when installing CCTV systems. The IP cameras we use have POE (power over ethernet) technology. With POE technology, your cameras are powered by the POE ports on your Network Video Recorder (NVR), a second power source for each camera is not required.


Our CCTV installations are up to a professional standard, providing you with great customer service. Where possible we will ensure that all your cabling is concealed, this will prevent damage or wear. By doing this, the aesthetics of your property is not affected, and promotes longer life for your invested CCTV system.

Traditional CCTV systems use BNC or Coaxial Cabling, each camera would require 2 cables, one for power and one for video. This leaves the location of the recorder with a lot of clutter and cabling. The connection between the camera and cabling is also not air tight and is exposed to cO2 in the air, which overtime builds corrosion around the copper connection. This gradually damages the camera, with symptoms of signal failure, colour loss, and finally black out. As a result, the BNC camera becomes faulty.