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News & Events

History of Record Players

The record player was an invention of the renowned Thomas Edison, in 1877. It could both record and reproduce sound, whereas previous devices, such as the phonautograph and the paleophone, had only been able to record. Alexander Graham Bell improved the design in the 1880s and in 1900 Emile Berliner developed the playable record, utilising disks rather […]

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Do Light Dimmers Save Energy?

They certainly do! There is a common misconception that dimmer switches merely convert restricted electricity into heat, for no real saving. This was true of the very old fashioned, early models, but today’s dimmer switches, like Lutron’s system, dial down the energy used as well as the light, helping you create a romantic or soothing […]

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Artcoustic Speakers

The Artcoustic is an all-in-one stereo iPod music centre with state-of-the-art superb sound quality and endless design options. Your music should sound amazing every time you play it and with the Superstar you hear every detail as intended! The Superstar is the latest product in the Artcoustic range and unlike other all-in-one highend systems, the […]

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Update to Ekos SE

Five years since launch, the Linn Ekos SE is still the best tonearm available, and now Linn have responded to customer feedback to make it compatible with an even wider range of turntable cartridges. Linn Ekos SE now features a longer headshell (by 2mm) as standard which means that larger cartridges can be fitted to […]

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The 10 Greatest Music Gadgets ever.

What are the greatest music gadgets ever invented? Find out which 10 important pieces of music-making kit changed everything for the better. As Friedrich Nietzsche once said: “Life without music would be a mistake.” 1. Dansette (1952)   Selling one million units in the 50s and 60s, Dansette became a household name in post-war Britain […]

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