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Beyerdynamic Noise Cancelling Headphones

The new noise cancelling Beyerdynamic DT 770 headphones deliver a balanced, precision sound, but this time with a fully closed back construction. This design envelops you in a private space for your personal audio enjoyment. If you are a recording artist, or if you just want to keep the audio sensation to yourself, then the DT 770’s are the model for you.

Why Use Noise Cancelling Headphones?

  • They are ideal if you share a house with others, as you can immerse yourself in the audio without disturbing neighbours, housemates or spouses.
  • They are perfect for people who record music in their home studio.
  • They help you immerse yourself in a video game or filmic world.
  • Office workers can wear them to tune out their surroundings and be more productive, or industrial workers can use them to protect their ears.


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